“Michel Tombroff’s work is nothing if not art. Its complex surfaces, shapes, and lines are captivating. They also require sophisticated spatial skills to comprehend and create. They are also models. Not models of past or future racetracks or highways. Nor models of ideal or dystopian landscapes. Rather, they are models of intense, confusing, intoxicating, mischievous, but real objects and experiences that are possible when one creatively reconfigures (and multiplies) the existing elements we find at our disposal.”
David Salomon (Ithaca, NY)
Author of “The Highway Not Taken: Tony Smith and the Suburban Sublime”, Places Journal, September 2013)
“Brussels-based artist Michel Tombroff explores the legacies of modernism and postmodern art in his work. His Suburban Sublime exhibition was inspired by Tony Smith’s 1966 Artforum interview with curator Samuel Wagstaff. Tombroff has created a series of three-dimensional paintings drawing on Smith’s references to the intersections of art, urban planning, and the sublime, inhabiting the aesthetics of 1960s monochromatic shape paintings by artists such as Frank Stella.”
James Voorhies, Executive Director, Tony Smith Foundation (New York, NY)
Author of Postsensual Aesthetics: On the Logic of the Curatorial and Beyond Objecthood: The Exhibition as a Critical Form since 1968.
“Les tracés déployés par Michel Tombroff consistent en des enchevêtrements complexes que le plasticien ramène de manière jouissive à l’échelle d’un regard. Leur assemblage qui n’est pas sans faille – rivets, torsions, niveaux en décalage ou symétries approximatives – laisse affleurer une fragilité salutaire qui fait échapper la proposition de l’autoritarisme formel des pères fondateurs de l’art minimal, eux qui souhaitaient limiter au maximum l’intervention de la main de l’artiste.”
Michel Verlinden, Le Vif L'Express
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